Does it seem you only hear from the media when something is going wrong?

You can listen to Move the Stairs CBD Brand Protection PR™ conversation each week as a podcast! Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify.
At M&C we say every media interaction is an opportunity. No way you say. Today I want to show you 3 things to do to build a relationship with the media before they contact you to comment on a negative story. Maybe, if you work these Insider Media Strategies, you might just get a great feature article or several great quotes, which is part of a Brand Protection PR plan.
Understand the media’s perspective. Their job is to find relevant stories, insightful and clear, and interesting quotes, and cover the news of the day. If they call you to comment on a negative story it is not personal.
Search, find and follow the media who are most likely to do a story on you or on your industry.
Develop a relationship with them before they call you on a negative story. Talk to them where they live…on Twitter! Download our 10 Steps to Building Reporter Relationships on Twitter.
Bottomline, become a trusted resource. Most of the media are doing the work of 3 reporters due to layoffs, furloughs, etc. Like, comment and share their Twitter posts. If you have anything to add to the stories that they have written, even if they have nothing to do with CBD, help them out. Update them on interesting developments in CBD. Provide them context for the myriad of regulations, new developments and technologies that are all happening in your CBD world.
After you have developed a relationship then you can pitch your story. And if something negative happens in your business or in your industry, use M&C’s 5 step Crisis Outline to help you through the process.
Here’s the video recap from today’s episode: